Our weather is being manipulated by the government to usher in a New World Order

To do this, they change the weather via HAARP, chemtrails, etc., to create more and more natural disasters. The reason? It’s so the Elite can justify building their One World Order and the coming cashless society.

I can see this from the number of floods and hurricanes we’re getting. I believe they’re going to be using the weather to create “natural” disasters as excuses to declare martial law, and the next step will be to declare that the world is under an “eminent threat,” which is a code word that is a precedent to take over all nations. You might recall them doing something very similar with COVID-19.

COVID was just the start. A way for the higher ups to test the waters and see how gullible the general populace really is. Unfortunately, based off what happened with the disastrous lockdowns, they must have been jumping for joy at how gullible the sheep truly are.

You are going to see an increase in weather disasters, which they’ll use as a pretext to lock everybody down and make you think they are protecting you when the reality is that they are going to do something very sinister. This has been planned since the days of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, where they’ve been talking about doing this since 1913.

Even Putin has spoken up about this concern once before: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?99994-Putin-U.S.-Made-Hurricanes-with-Machines

In a nutshell, he said The Russian Government’s satellites had captured evidence of the USA tampering with the weather, by people within the US government.

You don’t need a satellite to know this, however. You can see chemtrails in the sky with your own eyes. Mocking everyone below as they inject poison into the Earth and upset nature’s balance.

In the end, I’d say we’re fucked.

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