Eugenics is a good thing. Why? Because it can help the human race flourish.
But only if we’re logical about it.
Eugenics, in my view, is not about who is or is not “worthy” to bear children. That’s a dangerous road, and it can easily lead to terrible tragedies. Instead, it’s about making sure that we’re continuing to create a human race that is healthy and intelligent. A human race that will continue to create new discoveries, new technologies, and new worlds.
In other words, we want a future with more Leonidas’ and fewer Donald Trumps.
Look at Sparta and their Eugenics program.
The Spartans, during their zenith, had the perfect combination of genetics for the life of a warrior. They were incredibly strong, mentally and physically, and they were very healthy. If you compare them to most modern day people, they’d be able to run circles around us. So what’s stopping us from implementing such a program once again? Nothing, other than leftist morality.
We can make our future generations stronger and smarter, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We shouldn’t have a problem with improving the human race, because that’s the ultimate goal of life, after all.
The only question left, then, is this:
We can start with some basic principles.
1. A person must have a high IQ to have children.
This is a hard requirement. I think 130 should be the absolute minimum. You’re probably wondering how the hell we can enforce this. The answer is simple: We can just stop having public schools. Instead, we can have a meritocratic system of education, where the smartest kids go to the best schools, and the dumbest ones go to the worst ones. If that seems too radical, then at least make the IQ test part of the college application process.
2. People with mental disabilities should not be allowed to have children.
I’m not saying we need to round them all up and kill them. Just prevent them from having children. This is actually the most controversial part of my plan, so I’m going to explain it a little further.
Mental disabilities are caused by a variety of factors, but mostly, it’s just a bunch of genetic defects. And the problem is that these genetic defects tend to be passed on to the next generation. So the kid is likely to be born with the same disability as the parent, and that kid is going to grow up to have a kid with the same disability, and so on and so forth. It’s a vicious cycle.
3. People with severe physical disabilities should not be allowed to have children.
Again, I’m not talking about euthanasia. Just don’t let them have kids.
4. People with terminal illnesses should not be allowed to have children.
Once again, we’re not talking about killing anyone here. Just prevent them from passing on their genes.
5. People with a history of drug addiction should not be allowed to have children.
Why should you be a parent if you lack self-control? You shouldn’t.
6. Most importantly, the parents must be white.
We have to face reality here: Non-whites are just inferior when it comes to intelligence and health. It’s a sad fact of life, but it’s the truth. The parents must be white, or at least have a high percentage of white ancestry in order to earn the right to produce children.
So now that I’ve explained my plan, what do you think?
You hate me, don’t you? You think I’m a Nazi or something.
That’s okay, I get that a lot.